EABA NCABL Team Interest Form
Hello and thank you for your interest in joining EABA's NCABL team. My name is Jacob Zarowny and I am EABA's new 22+ director and in the process of putting together a team to compete in the 2025 North Central Alberta Baseball League season and beyond as the Edmonton Angels. The NCABL is a competitive adult league consisting of teams from Edmonton and the surrounding area. The regular season consists of 18 games played between early-May and early-August with the potential for playoff games depending on how well the team does in the regular season. 18U players are also permitted so long as it has been approved by the U18 player's primary coach. If you aren't interested in playing we are also looking for support staff including a manager, scorekeepers, and a media rep. Player fees will be $550 dollars and includes league fees, diamond rentals, jerseys, and hats. I will reach out to you with more details and a date for an info meeting. In the meantime if you have any pressing questions or concerns I can be reached at 780-263-2593 or j.zarowny19@gmail.com.
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Are you interested in a playing role or a support role? *
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