Share Your Voice re: Exemption on Health and Physical Education Curriculum
On August 21, 2019, the Ministry of Education issued a memo (PPM 162) regarding exemption from instruction related to the Human Development and Sexual Health Expectations in the Ontario Curriculum: Health and Physical Education, Grades 1-8, 2019. Schools boards across Ontario are required to develop a procedure on how to implement this and we want to hear from our school communities if they have any comments or suggestions we should consider as we develop a procedure for the TDSB.
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Please visit the Ministry of Education website for details of PPM162:  *
Please visit the Ministry of Education website for details of grade-by-grade expectations associated with the topic Human Development and Sexual Health:  *
After reviewing the expectations and the requirements for PPM 162, what comments or suggestions would you like to offer to inform the development of the procedure?
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