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1.  Overall, how satisfied are you with being a member of Harbortown Rotary?
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2.   Thinking about Harbortown Rotary's culture, members, membership, and meetings, please indicate how much you agree with the following statements.
Somewhat Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
I enjoy our clubs morning meetings and programs.
I find value in my membership.
My club does a good job involving new members.
The number of fundraising activities is appropriate.
The number of hands on events is appropriate.
Our clubs projects are well organized and meaningful.
I am excited about the Bike Duluth Festival.
I am comfortable inviting prospective members to join Harbortown Rotary.
I am proud to belong to Harbortown Rotary.
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3.  Think about the costs associated with being a club member and rate these factors.  
Too Low
Just Right
Too High
Club Dues
Meal Costs
Requests for contributions to the Rotary Foundation
Requests for contributions to the Harbortown Rotary Foundation
Other monetary contribution requests
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4.  What do you think about these aspects of our club’s fundraising and service projects?
Too Few
Just Right
Too Many
Total number of projects
Number of local projects
Number of international projects
Number of fundraisers
Number of fireside meetings
Participation hours required of members related to Bike Festival
Total number of club activities
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5.  How should club funds should be distributed between international and local projects.  
6.  Please list two positive things about the club.  
7.  What do you think should be our Club’s top priority or goal?
8.  Please list your favorite morning meeting program(s).
9.   Please share your favorite hands on projects you participated in?
10.   Please share any other ideas or suggestions on how the club can improve.
Please provide your name if you are interested in providing additional feedback with regards to Harbortowns strategic planning.
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