TPO Partnership Request
Thank you for your interest in a potential partnership with The Pour Over! Please fill out this form and Mitch will get back to you shortly.
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Your Name (First and Last) *
Are you a TPO subscriber *
Email Address *
Company Name *
Website URL *
Provide a short description of what you're looking for TPO to accomplish *
(e.g. "Raise awareness for our brand. "Sell more copies of our book." "Raise money for this cause.")
Are you a Christian, or faith-based, organization? *
No wrong answers, we partner with both Christian and secular brands.
When do you want to begin advertising? *
What is your budget for advertising with TPO? *
The majority of our ad placements are sold on a flat fee basis but we're happy to accommodate cost-per-click, cost-per-view, or other models for larger ad spends.
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