WireMock in Hacktoberfest 2023 - Participant sign-up
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software that happens. This October, the WireMock project will participate in the 10th edition of this worldwide event!. Regardless of their experience and background, everyone can support open source by contributing changes. This year all contributors will receive special digital awards. In WireMock, we will also provide swag to the most active contributors to the WireMock open source ecosystem!

The WireMock Inc, a key contributor to WireMock and a vendor of WireMock Cloud, will be sponsoring stickers, T-Shirts and other swag to a few dozens of the most active contributors. To get these swag, you need to register in this form so that we know how to contact you 

If you are already registered, just go to wiremock-community.slack.com
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Display name / Alias
Your GitHub ID *
Your name / company / affiliation
Checklist *
What are your experiences with WireMock so far?
What could we do better as a project? Any missing features or problems you experience
To receive swag, I agree that the sponsor of the event, WireMock Inc., contacts me and adds me to the WireMock newsletter. Privacy policy: https://www.wiremock.io/privacy-policy *
Any additional feedback to us?
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