Report of Suspected Bullying Behaviors
The Region 8 Board of Education promotes a secure and positive school climate, conducive to teaching and learning, that is free from any type of bullying behavior.  Anyone who witnesses bullying is asked  to report the incident to the school administration immediately.  All reports will be thoroughly investigated and appropriate action will be taken.
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Date of Report *
Person Reporting Incident *
If you prefer to remain anonymous, type "anonymous".
Date Incident Occurred *
Time of Incident *
hh:mm AM/PM
People Involved in Incident *
First and last names, if known.
Report of Bullying Behaviors *
Be as specific as possible.
Describe any attempts you have made to resolve the problem.   *
Please note relevant dates, times and places.  Be as specific as possible.
Witnesses.   *
 Both first and last names.  If you prefer the witnesses remain anonymous, type "anonymous". If no other witnesses were present, type "none".
Were the bullying action(s) verbal or (written)?   *
Cyberbullying included?
Previous Incidents *
Describe any previous incidents and include witnesses, dates, and times.  Other Witnesses * Both first and last names. If you prefer the witnesses remain anonymous, type "anonymous". If no previous incidents, type "none".
How can this problem be resolved?
Be as specific as possible.
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