Mr. Schumann's Class of 2025 Student Questionnaire
Your counselor will use this information and their knowledge of you to craft their counselor recommendation.

Imagine that you and one other applicant are working toward earning the last spot for enrollment for the Class of 2027! Your grades, extracurricular activities and test scores are very similar. It has come down to your letters of recommendation. What about you makes you stand out? Think about it and THEN respond.
Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Distinctive Qualities

What is your passion?  What do you like to do more than anything else?  What do you enjoy doing with your free time?


Tell me about your top three values and why they are important to you.


What unique qualities would you like the reader of my recommendation to know about you?

What are some adjectives that best describe you, what would your friends and/or family say about you?
Academic History

What have you learned about yourself since freshman year? (Consider social / emotional and academic life lessons, be specific.)


What is your intended major for college and why? If you are not sure what you would like to study, please share some thoughts on possible areas of interest. Think about courses and experiences you have had that connect to this area of study.


What is the hardest thing you have accomplished/What is a challenge you have overcome?


Community Involvement

What opportunities have you tapped into that were not readily available to you at RHS? (summer programs, cultural trips, online courses, etc.)

Please share how you impacted the Ridgefield community as a whole? *
Additional Information

What trademark student qualities would you like your future college/university to know about you?  (When answering, consider aspects such as: personal strengths, preferred learning tasks, ways you engage teachers and fellow students, and good academic habits.)


Is there anything you would like me to highlight about your coursework at RHS? Ex. doubled up in lab science classes, took AP tests without taking the course, had a challenging time in a certain class etc...

If you have an IEP/504, would you like it to be discussed in your letter?
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