TJ is Currently Open for Commissions! (nsfw friendly)
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My name is TJ (or Tee-Jay) and if you're here that means you're looking to commission some artwork from this big dragon~

Before we get started I'd like for you to read through my terms and services to give an idea of how I want to do this~

Once you've read through everything and are happy to get started, let's go over some details!
Please try to be as clear as you can in your descriptions so that I don't get confused and end up drawing something you're not happy with.

There's only so many commissions I can do at a time, so if my slots are full please keep an eye on my various social medias to see when I'm free~
If you need to get ahold of me you can send me a private message on any of these (save for tumblr, it might get lost there).
  • Cleaned up Sketch                   $40   + $30 for any extra characters
  • Lineart                                        $60   + $40 for any extra characters
  • Lineart plus Flat Colours         $80   + $60 for any extra characters
  • LA plus Cel Shading                 $100 + $80 for any extra characters

  • For fairly complex characters, vore or transformation it'll be an extra $15
  • For vore drawings, (or merging tf like cock transformation) the extra character price will be halved for pages where the act is happening, assuming the extra character is the one being consumed and more than half the character is showing. (Think half the body hanging out or something similar.)
What personal website would you like to be contacted on (Twitter, FA, etc). Account name is preferred.
If you'd prefer email, post it here.
Please give me, in as much detail as you can, a description of your character, what sort of pose or situation you want and any other details you can think of! Thank you!
If you have any sort of reference sheets or reference photos please link them here! The better the references the better I can draw your character.
Which Commission Tier do you want
Is the commission going to include transformation or vore?
How many characters?
Paypal Email for invoicing
Thanks you for considering me for your commission! I look forward to working with you <3
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