Is there a requirement for young people provisions in Alfreton?
Questionnaire to establish feedback from young people and those interested in young people provisions/ services in Alfreton.
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1. What do you most enjoy doing in your spare time?
2. Do you attend any clubs in Alfreton?  If none, skip to question 8.
3. If so, how often do you attend these clubs?  
Clear selection
4. If you do attend a club, where is this held? (i.e Leisure Centre, Scout Hall)
5. If you attend a club, why do you go?
6. If you attend a club, what do you enjoy about it the most?
7. If you attend a club, is there anything you do not like about it or could be improved?
8. What would stop you from attending a youth club/provision in Alfreton?
9. How would you rate the clubs available in Alfreton currently
Very Good
Very Poor
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10.If poor or very poor, why?
What other young people clubs/activities do you attend?
12.Where do you think the young people provisions/clubs should be held?
13. Do any of the following issues affect you and you feel you would benefit from support and advice?
14. How much do you think is appropriate for attending a club? (If finances are a barrier please use the 'other' option to provide some ideas of how help could be made available)
15. How would you get to a club
About You
If completing on behalf of someone else please indicate this in question Q16 but completing the details of the child you are referring to
16. Which age are you?
Clear selection
17. What is your gender?
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18. Do you have a disability that affects your daily activities?
Clear selection
Thank you for taking part.  
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