Sign-up: Modern Muslim Lifestyle in the light of the Seerah
A House of Wisdom course run both in-person and online starting Monday 22nd of January until Monday 26th February 2024.

This runs once weekly for 6 weeks. Each session is 2 hours long. Cost $250 per person for the 6 sessions. 

Time: 6pm-8pm.

Delivered by Sheikh Rafat Najm.

Location is TBC in Auckland City but likely in AUT.

Minimum age 18 years.

Questions? Email
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Your name *
Your email address *
Your phone number *
How will you attend? *
Payment Details
Use reference 'First initial and surname' e.g. 'M ALI'

Pay either $250 in one payment, or 5 weekly payments of $40 and a final payment of $50.
I confirm I will make the above payment and attend *
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