[IC] KBM Pizza Rat
Thanks for your interest in KBM Pizza Rat! If you find any errors or missing keys with the kitting please let me know in the comments of the Geekhack page!
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40% Friends!

If you're interested in purchasing this set, would you prefer having a separate 40's base kit or do you prefer having 40's support in a child kit?

This is the current 40's child kit but you can see an example of what a 40's specific base kit would kind of look like with KBM Love Detective.
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Are there any toppings that aren't currently included that you'd like to add to the novelties kit?

There will definitely be artisan keycap collabs (I am addicted to artisans), but what other types of collabs would you be interested in purchasing with this set?
Any artisan requests or sculpts you'd like to see in the Pizza Rat colorway?
Which region are you from?
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If you have any other suggestions or comments feel free to leave them here! Thanks so much for all of your feedback!
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