Major Declaration Survey
After completing this form, please email Department Chair after meeting with your current adviser to have them approve your major choice on Be sure to see FAQ on the Barnard Economics website, especially about Major Declaration. There is a separate form available for approval of Transfer Courses counting towards your major. Your responses below will only be shared with the Chair of the Barnard Economics Department, the Department Administrator, and your future major adviser. Congratulations on declaring!
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What is your first and last name? *
What is your uni? *
Have you met with your current adviser yet to discuss your major declaration and to submit your Major Declaration Form on *
Which semester will most likely be your last semester at Barnard? *
Have you taken Math Methods for Economics at Barnard or any other college-level math courses? Check all that apply: *
Have you take Introduction to Statistics or any other college-level statistics courses? Check all that apply. *
What Economics courses have you already taken (or equivalent)? Check all that apply. *
Which track of the major are you considering? *
Do you hope to study abroad?  If so, which semester(s)? *
What kind of internships/career paths are you most interested in? (health, environment/land-use, law, finance, consulting, marketing, education, politics, etc.)
What is your favorite college course (in any subject) that you've taken so far?
Please use this space for any additional questions or comments you have:
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