2024 Recovery Dharma NYC Intersangha Officer Nominations
Use this form to nominate someone you know as a candidate for one of the RDNYC Intersangha Officer positions. The nomination period will run until December 1. Voting will take place Dec 5-9. Read more about the positions available at https://recoverydharmanyc.org/2022/11/15/2023-recovery-dharma-nyc-intersangha-officer-elections/

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Who would you like to nominate? *
For which position would you like to nominate this person? *
Nominee contact information *
Please provide either candidate's email or phone number. Any contact information provided will be used only for election RDNYC Election purposes.
Your contact information
If nominating someone else other than yourself, please provide either email or phone number. Your contact information will only be used for election RDNYC Election purposes.
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