Survey on Accelerating Deep Learning
We are RapidFire AI, an AI Fund portfolio company building the agile deep learning platform for faster business impact with AI. We would like your inputs on the challenges and desired capabilities for accelerating deep learning in your organization.

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What is your deep learning experience level?
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What types of deep learning models do you typically work with? (Check all that apply)
What kinds of data do you use for training your DL models? (Check all that apply)
What is the range of sizes of the datasets you use for DL training/tuning?
What DL frameworks do you primarily use?
Where do you perform DL training/tuning?
How often do you retrain or update deployed models? (Check all frequencies that apply)
Roughly how much does your team spend per year on your DL infrastructure?
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What are the main issues or bottlenecks you encounter during the DL training/tuning process?
How long does the end-to-end process take for training/tuning your DL models?
What challenges do you face in handling data preprocessing or iterating on data representation for DL training/tuning?
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