For each annual conference for which sufficient funds are available, awards will include registration waivers plus two nights’ hotel stay for four recipient categories: one tutor, one administrator, one group presentation (up to two hotel rooms for the group award), and one open presenter award. The awards will be based on the following criteria:
- One administrator/director will be chosen, with preference being given to a first-time presenter; from each of the four states that make up the region;
- One tutor will be chosen, with preference being given to a first-time presenter; from each of the four states that make up the region;
- The members of one group presentation will be chosen, with preference being given to first-time presenters. Recipients will not have funding from their institutions.
- One open award, open to any conference attendee, with preference given to a particularly strong justification for attending (as requested on the scholarship application form).
To be considered for a scholarship to the 2024 SCWCA conference, please answer the following questions by January 17, 2024 at 11:59 PM.