Prijavni formular za 23. Salon arhitekture Novi Sad // Application form for the 23rd Salon of Architecture Novi Sad
Hvala Vam na interesovanju za 23. Salon arhitekture Novi Sad!
Pred Vama se nalazi prijavni formular kojim se registruje Vaša prijava.

Jedna prijava može sadržati samo jedan rad, prijavljen u jednoj kategoriji.
Na Salon se mogu prijaviti radovi nastali ili realizovani u poslednje 3 godine (2020,2021 i 2022) koji nisu bili prijavljeni na prošlom Salonu arhitekture.

U slučaju prolaska u selekciju 23. Salona arhitekture Novi Sad, informacije o radu će biti korišćene za izradu kataloga Salona, te Vas molimo da imate to na umu prilikom popunjavanja forme.

Thank you for your interest in the 23rd Salon of Architecture Novi Sad!
In order to register please fill in the application form below.

One application form can contain only one proposal, submitted in only one category.
Proposals, either projects or finished works, must be no more than 3 years old (2020,2021 and 2022) and mustn't have been submitted in the previous Salon of Architecture.

In the case that the proposal has passed the selection of the 23rd Salon of Architecture Novi Sad, the submitted information about the proposal will be used for the purposes of making the Salon catalogue, so please keep that in mind when filling out the form.
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*Pojašnjenja kategorija // Category explanations
Kategorija 4. Konkursni radovi i nerealizovani projekti arhitekture, urbanizma i enterijera - projekti koji predstavljaju konkursna, neizvedena ili idejna rešenja. 
// Category 4. Competition Entries and Unrealised projects in Architecture, Urban Planning and Interior Design - projects that are competition entries, unrealised or conceptual works.
Kategorija 5. Digitalni prostor i eksperiment u arhitekturi, urbanizmu i enterijeru - radovi iz oblasti arhitektonske vizualizacije, animacije, game design-a, parametarskog dizajna, digitalne fabrikacije, generativnog i interaktivnog dizajna i slično; kao i scenski dizajn, instalacije, i efemerna arhitektura. 
// Category 5. Digital Space and Experiment in Architecture, Urban Planning and Interior Design - works from the field of architectural visualisation, animation, game design, parametric design, digital fabrication, generative and interactive design and similar; as well as from scene design, instalations and ephemeral architecture. 
Kategorijom 8. Akcija - aktivnost pojedinca ili grupe ljudi, formalne ili neformalne, koji svojim delovanjem brane interese šire zajednice u vezi sa arhitekturom i urbanizmom.  
// Category 8. Initiative - activity of an individual or a collective, formal or informal, that are, with their actions, defending the interests of a wider community related to architecture and urban planning.
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