Thank you so much for your interest in starting a GU chapter! We will be with you every step of the way, and help you in any way we can :)
What is a GU Chapter?
A GU chapter is a club you start at your school to give back to the elderly! First and foremost, you need to establish your club, whether that means registering your club with your school or recruiting a team. Club responsibilities vary depending on you, but most definitely include: recruiting volunteers and the leadership team, creating your own social media accounts, outreaching to residential homes to organize frequent volunteer events, as well as leadership club meetings.
This may sound overwhelming, but we’re 100% here for you!
What are the benefits of a GU Chapter?
Not only will you be giving back to the community, but you will be rewarded for it! You and your will receive volunteer hours that will go toward the Gold Presidential Volunteer Service Award, as well as the Governor's Civics Seal (if you're in Virginia). In addition to that, you can receive a personalized letter of recommendation that could help you get your dream job/internship.
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