Boundary Request Application 2024-2025
To be used for in-district and out of district requests.   
Transportation for the student shall be the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. 
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Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Date of Birth *
2024-2025 Grade *
Desired School *
Last/Current School Attended *
Last/Current School Attended  City/State *
Special Programs *
Reason For Request *
Address *
City *
State/Zip *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Are there siblings already attending your desired school?   *
If YES, list names and grade of siblings:     
Has the student been long-term suspended or expelled from any school or district? *
Is the student in the process of being expelled or long-term suspended from another school or district? *
Is the student currently being Supervised by a juvenile court? *
Providing false information on this form will result in the application being denied or admission being revoked.  The parent/guardian signing this application affirms that the student seeking enrollment will abide by the rules , standards, and policies of the school and district if enrolled. 

Student must maintain good attendance without frequent absences. 
Student must continually strive for academic success.  
Student may not acquire any long-term suspensions.  
Student may not have any violations regarding drug abuse or violence. 

Failure to comply with school and district rules could lead to revocation of the boundary variance.

  Transportation for the student shall be the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. 

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