Honda All-New FREED e:HEV Exclusive Preview 
本田香港誠邀您與摯愛一同前來全新 FREED e:HEV 「Smile」空間,探索這部集無與倫比的舒適與安心於一體的「Just Right Mover」如何啟發並為您的日常生活帶來微笑,盡享每一天的美好。

立即登記,尊享全新 FREED e:HEV 優先預覽!(

日期:11 月 23 日 (星期六) - 12 月 1 日 (星期日)
時間:上午 9 時 至 下午 8 時

Honda Hong Kong cordially invites you and your esteemed guests to experience the new FREED e:HEV ‘Smile’ space. Discover how this ‘Just Right Mover,’ designed to offer unparalleled comfort and peace of mind, can help you embrace future possibilities with a smile, enjoying each day to the fullest.”

Register for the All-New FREED e:HEV Exclusive Preview! (spots are allocated at first-come-first served basis, don't miss out!)

Event Detail:
Date: November 23 (Saturday) - December 1 (Sunday)
Time: 9 am - 8 pm
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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