Aircrew Training Request
Use this form to request single aircrew training use of  A5 (Aircrew Training)  or A12 (proficiency) mission sorties.  The PIC must be a TMP or MP (or in qualified training status with an evaluator) to request any of these missions.

NOTE:  This form is NOT to be used for Onboarding (A0), Return to Flight (A24), or G1000 Training (A23) Missions. For those missions, use this form:

This form is not required for any self-funded flights, use only if you are requesting Air Force Funding.

To request a mission number for a training event (SAREX, Aircrew School, etc) use the mission request form at

Not hearing back from your request?  Contact Capt Matt Wendell -

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Type of Flight *
A12 Flights must follow one of the Standard Air Profiles and the pilot must meet all the prerequisites for that particular profile. Mission Pilot Training requires either a current Mission Pilot or a SET qualified Mission Pilot to be on the flight (MP Trainee may be in the left seat with a SET MP in the right).  Mission Aircrew Training requires a qualified MP to be in the left seat and the main purpose of the flight is training other aircrew positions.
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