The Absence of Internal Pressures 
Answer the following questions about excerpts from this blog post by choosing the best answer.
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For Questions 1 and 2
1.  In the first sentence of the above, what word or phrase could best be used to have the same meaning as "if you will"?  *
2 points
2. According to the above, when do some eggs have a hard shell? *
2 points
For Question 3
3.  In the above, what does the final phrase "does so" refer to? *
2 points
For Question 4
4. In the above, what word or phrase can be best used in the place of "attributed"? *
2 points
For Question 5 
5. According to the above, what is not the only foreign influence in Japan? *
2 points
For Questions 6 and 7
6. In the context of the above, what would be a better word or phrase to use than "externalities"  *
2 points
7. As applied above, what is the implied difference between "resist" and "withstand"? *
2 points
For Questions 8 and 9
8. According to the above, how does the Japanese way survive?  *
2 points
9. In the above, what is implicated in the last sentence? *
2 points
For Question 10
10. In the above, what might the writer most likely  assume about people outside Japan? *
2 points
For Question 11
11. According to the above, what may we infer to be the fate of an egg that does not hatch? *
2 points
For Questions 12 and 13
12. According to the above, what leaves us with questions regarding the Great Wall of Japan? *
2 points
13. How might we extrapolate the questions regarding the Great Wall of Japan posed in the above to apply to  people in general?  *
2 points
For Questions 14 and 15
14. According to the above, why would it be unwise to underestimate Japan? *
2 points
15. According to the above, what is certain? *
2 points
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