Recommend a farm
Do you know a farm that would be a good fit for a Case Study?  Part of the "Match Made In Heaven" project is to do in-depth studies of 6 Upper Midwest farms that have successfully integrated crops & livestock, in order to highlight real-life examples and create some best-practice suggestions.  Our ideal farm:
  • is successfully practicing integrated crops and livestock, standalone or by partnering
  • has reasonably organized financial records
  • is at least a hundred acres, ideally larger
Selected farms will be asked to fill out an interview template, then to host our interviewer for a few hours of farm-tour & in-person interview, and lastly to be available for a follow-up call if we need to clarify anything.  We're also hoping to host field days on each farm in 2024, but that's not mandatory.  There is a $600 stipend for each farm, plus additional if they are the site of a field day.

If you know of any farms that might fit this bill please let us know!  Thank you very much!
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In which state is the farm? *
Please describe the farm operation: acres, crops, livestock, outline of system, who is involved: *
Name of farmer we can contact: *
Farmer email: *
Your name & relation to farmer: *
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