2024 CCES Cub Choir Enrollment Form
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Email *
Before filling out this form, please read the  "Choir Expectations" on the Cub Choir webpage. *
Student First Name  *
Student Last Name  *
Student's homeroom teacher - 4th grade only
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Student's homeroom teacher - 5th grade only
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1st Parent/guardian- first name *
1st Parent/guardian- last name *
2nd Parent/guardian- last name
2nd Parent/guardian- first name
1st Parent/guardian- Phone Number *
2nd Parent/guardian- Phone Number
1st Parent/guardian- email *
2nd Parent/guardian- email
Student T-Shirt Size  *
I would like to help with choir this year! *
My child will leave choir by: *
Student's primary physician
Physician's phone number
I understand that our first meeting will be Tuesday  September  3rd from 3:00 - 3:45. 
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I understand that the CCES Cub Choir utilizes a Google Classroom for communication as well as practice recordings and lyric sheets. Below is the Class code for your child to join the Cub Choir Google Classroom. Please have your child join!! 

THE CLASS CODE  is 6tsmpcu
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I have read the CCES Cub Choir Expectations form with my parents. *
There is a 35.00 fee for the 2024-2025 year in the CCES Cub Choir. This fee is used to purchase your child's Choir T shirt, music as well as other incentives throughout the school year. Please send a check, cash or money order to CCES in an envelope labeled CHOIR with your child's first and last name. Checks can be made out to CCES. This year you will also be able to pay online via Revtrak. 

Cub Choir Parent Signature: (Parents please read and digitally sign by typing in your full name below.)
My child has permission to be a member of the CCES Cub Choir. My signature indicates that I understand that rehearsals will be held every Monday afternoon from 3:00pm-3:45pm, and I am responsible for punctual and reliable transportation. I will also have a back-up transportation plan in the event of an emergency. I also am aware that choir fees are $35 per year (Fees cover the cost of one Cub Choir t-shirt, music, materials and All-District medals ). Please make checks payable to Cibolo Creek Elementary School, and send as soon as possible. Further, I will not hold Stephanie Rodis-Gosdin, Cibolo Creek Elementary, or Boerne ISD liable for accidents or injuries to my child that may occur during events related to my child's participation in the Cub Choir. It is also understood that in the event of a serious medical emergency, EMS will be contacted immediately, followed by the child's parents.
Parent/Guardians digital signature *
CCES Cub Choir Student Commitment: (Students please read and sign below.)
I understand that is is MY responsibility to attend all choir rehearsals with a positive, working attitude and to represent myself, my family, and my school in a positive manner.
Student digital signature *
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