Interview Application
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Email *
Use a valid email address associated with either your personal website or your business website so that we have proof of identity. The email address domain (the part that comes after '@') should match with the website URL domain that you enter into the Website URL field below. If they are not the same, the application may be disregarded or the team may reach out to you to confirm that you are who you say you are via alternative methods.
Full Name *
Primary Location (city, state) *
Primary Industry *
Choose the "best fit." You will have the opportunity to select additional options once your application is approved.
Primary Website URL *
Provide the website address for your business, product,  or service. If you don't have a business website, use a personal website.
Secondary Website URL (optional)
Populate this field if you have multiple websites.
Career Title *
A simple, brief and clear tagline that best describes your primary Career Position/Status. For example "Founder & CEO of X." For additional examples, refer to the Interviews page and scan the Headlines of existing interviewees.
Career Clip *
Provide a brief and concise description/bio that best represents and summarizes key achievements, milestones or career progression to date. This could include notable entrepreneurial ventures, movements, products invented, businesses founded, positions held, press/media recognition, awards/accolades or other career accomplishments that have contributed to who you are today.
AdMission Statement / Personal Brand Pitch *
Think of this as your 30-second elevator pitch for describing yourself to someone that has never met you. Focus on what makes you unique, such as noteworthy business experiences or accomplishments that make up your personal “Brand.” If you had 30 seconds to summarize your entrepreneurial successes and future vision, what is it that you would want the world to know? What are the key things that you want to be known for?
What is your personal mantra / motto? *
Are you at least 18 years of age? *
Confirm that you are human
(type the characters that you see above) *
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