Milgate Primary School Parents & Friends Association Volunteer Register Form - 2024
The Parents and Friends (P & F) Association plays an integral role in coordinating activities and events for the children, parents and carers of our wonderful school community.  We rely on the involvement of volunteers like you in making these fun, enriching and educational experiences happen.

Volunteering is a great way to build new connections, foster relationships and make a meaningful impact on this fabulous school. If you have special skills or passions, would like to become a P & F Association committee member, can donate to our fundraisers or would simply like to meet some new friendly faces, we would love to hear from you!

Please complete the ‘Volunteer Register’ form below. 

Milgate Primary School warmly welcomes anyone to lend a helping hand, no matter your prior experience or how much time you can offer. We are extremely grateful for your support and dedication.
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Name *
Phone Number *
E-mail Address *
Child's Name (If multiple, eldest child's name) *
Child's Class *
Events you are interested in: *
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