NCHP Presentation Proposal

    The conference seeks presentations from diverse researchers and practitioners in higher education, social work, and related fields.

    Individuals may propose their current, original, empirical research; relevant conceptual and/or theoretical presentations; and practice-based presentations. Early through late career researcher-, practitioner-, and student-conducted work will be considered. Work must be completed by the date of the conference but may be pre- or post-publication/acceptance. 

    By completing this online form, you are submitting your proposal to present at the NCHP conference (either in person or virtually). Submitting a presentation proposal requires individuals to affirm: (1) all authors listed on the proposal have agreed to the submission and (2) permission is provided for submitted research summary to be published in electronic and/or print formats prior to and following the conference. 

    Review Process

    Proposals will be reviewed through a peer review process.

    Presentation proposals will be reviewed for the following:

    • Relevance of topic to NCHP’s focus and goals
    • Relevance of topic, study, or inquiry to practitioners, policy-makers, and/or researchers
    • Clarity and focus of the written proposal
    • Appropriateness of the research or project method(s), as applicable, and/or conceptual foundation
    • Diversity of approach
    • Significance for translating research to practice and policy impacting college-going hidden college student populations, contribution to advancing important research understanding, or contribution to advancing practice
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Your first name *
Your last name *
Your email address *
Your phone number with area code *
Your position title *
Your institution and/or organization *
Additional presenter(s) first/last name and email

Presentation title


Abstract for research presentations should include: background, methodology, and findings.

Abstract for practitioner project presentations should include process, participants, outcomes, etc. 

(400 words)


Implications for research, practice, or policy (150 words):



If accepted, presentation will be delivered: *

Proposed format presentation:

If the proposal is accepted, I give permission, on behalf of all authors, for the presentation to be recorded and shared with those who registered for the conference. *
On behalf of all authors, I agree that NCHP may make the slides and/or other visuals I use for my presentation available to conference attendees. *

I affirm that all authors hereby give permission for submitted research summary to be published in electronic and/or print formats prior to and following the conference.


I affirm that all authors listed on the proposal have agreed to the submission and my other responses above.


My connection to and/or prior involvement with NCHP (Note: being new to our community is not viewed as a negative.):


I am committed to the mission and values of the NCHP (see conference webpage). I will do all I can to provide space reflective of respect for person, inclusivity, and diversity.  

Please type your full name below with the knowledge that it serves as your signature.
Untitled Title
If you have questions regarding the NCHP conference or this proposal, please email
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