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Westside Workshop Feb. 25
When: Sunday, February 25, 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Where: Westside High School Choir Room
Who: Students in grades 4-6 of all abilities welcome
Registration Fee: $50
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* Indicates required question
Student’s First Name
Your answer
Student’s Last Name
Your answer
Student’s Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
Student’s Elementary School
Your answer
Parent’s Email
Your answer
Parent’s Cell #
Your answer
Please indicate if you would like a commemorative Talent Rising t-shirt
Yes, I would like to purchase a Talent Rising t-shirt for $10
No, I will not be purchasing a t-shirt this time around
T-Shirt Size
Youth Small
Youth Medium
Youth Large
Adult Small
Adult Medium
If necessary, please tell us any special needs (medical, behavioral, social) you child has that we should be aware of. We want to make this a positive experience for your student.
Your answer
Payment Options
Payment for the learning workshop is $50. Please select your payment option below. If you ordered a t-shirt please submit $60.
Please indicate below if you will pay via Venmo or check.
I have submitted payment via Venmo @talentrising
I will make a check payable to Talent Rising and mail to Talent Rising PO BOX 24167 Omaha NE 68124
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