Registration Form: TEDxDaffodilU COUNTDOWN
TEDxDaffodilU COUNTDOWN event, an independently organized TED event happening on 11 December 2021. The Countdown is a bold, global movement to find ways to rapidly shift to a world with net zero greenhouse emissions and tackle the climate crisis. Countdown events are gatherings to amplify and demonstrate climate solutions. Five subject areas for the event are Energy, Transport, Materials, Food, & Nature.

If you are contributing significantly to preventing climate change, we are inviting you to let the world know your work. Our goal is to ignite ideas, showcase solutions, and drive action locally with bright minds to tackle the climate crisis.

TEDxDaffodilU believes your voice would be a critical addition to the TEDxDaffodilU COUNTDOWN event. Please fill out the registration form to be a speaker of TEDxDaffodilU COUNTDOWN event.

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Name *
Email *
Contact Number *
Occupation *
Institution *
What is kind of initiative you have taken to prevent climate change? *
What kind of solutions would you like to address? *
Do you want to be a speaker of the TEDxDaffodilU COUNTDOWN event? *
You can share a link of your work *
Do you want to nominate potential speakers? (If yes, please mention name, email, contact number & short details of the person)
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