TI Vestal Adult Jewish Learning Survey
This form offers people who are a part of the Binghamton area Jewish community to provide input to Rabbi Micah Friedman as he plans and prepares his classes and learning opportunities for the year of 5785 (2024-2025). If you have any interest in participating in a class or learning environment over the course of this year, please take a few minutes to fill out the form!

- Rabbi Micah Friedman
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Name: *
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Which of the following topics or themes are you most interested in learning about this year? Feel free to check more than one box.  *
What time of day generally works best for your schedule?
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Which day(s) of the week are you most likely to be able to participate in a class?  *
So far, all classes have been offered both in person and via Zoom. Would you prefer to participate in person or over Zoom? 
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Is there anything else you would like for us to know about your desires, preferences, or needs with regards to ongoing Jewish learning?
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