Purpose Zeal Academy Enrollment Application
We are excited to take part in the next part of your coaching, business, authorship and marketplace journey. 
Email *
Development, Destiny, Dominion
Name (First, Middle, Last) *
Email Address
Phone Number: *
Address  (Ex. 1234 Brook Rd Melfa, VA 23410) *
Highest Level of Completed Education *
Are you wanting to become a Certified Coach or Christian Counselor *
If you answered Yes, Please list choose your area below *
If you answered No, Which training course (s) or class(es) are you interested in enrolling? *
All Classes at Purpose Zeal Academy range from $699.99 to $1299.99. Are you willing to invest in your education?  *
All classes require a 25% percent deposit to enroll? Are you willing to make a deposit? *
Would you need to discuss a payment plan for classes? *
Do you have an specific instructor you wanted for the training? If so, please list below. If no, please put N/A. *
Are you willing to invest 4 to 6 weeks of your time for training and certification? *
Please list any prior certifications? If none, please list N/A. *
Which campus are you looking to attend. (In person or Virtual) *
Please share why you are looking to obtain a certification, training, and education from Purpose Zeal Academy.  *
Which quarter are you looking to enroll? *

I certify that the information provided on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that Purpose Zeal Academy is authorized to make whatever inquiries are necessary to certify the accuracy of my records. Further, I consent to the use of reference checks in evaluating my application. If accepted as a student at Purpose Zeal Academy, and in consideration thereof, I will submit cheerfully all the regulation sand policies of the college and seek maintain a high standard of Christian integrity and conduct. *

Electronic Signature (By providing my name on the line above I consent that this Electronic signature represents my approval and agreement to the above info and that all information I submitted is true. I fully understand that this signature is just as binding as my official handwritten signature and is an acknowledgment of my compliance with the above information.)
Electronic Signature 
(Type in Full Name below to acknowledge your electronic signature)
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