miku shirt reservation for sydney smash con july 14-15
heyooo thanks for being interested! i'm setting up an order for smash con pick up! please only fill this out if you are serious about ordering.
SHIRTS ARE GOING TO BE $30 ORDERED THROUGH THIS AND $35 AT THE CON IF NOT RESERVED. (originally 25USD (which is about $32 and not even counting shipping so i'm offering it cheaper than the original price) shirts are to be paid in cash at smash con upon collection. i will also give anyone who orders through this a free print of the artwork.
I'm only ordering the Men's style t-shirt but you can find the other styles here https://www.forfansbyfans.com/search/pink%20hearts.html (if you really want a different style let me know through twitter or tumblr messaging and we can work something else out)
i will be ordering a few extra in M/L size in black but if you want something else please be sure to order through this form. thanks so much! (if you need to change your order or cancel let me know ASAP before 11th of June)
current plans for any leftover stock: i will bring to Melb madfest in sept if i go
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