Skills and Drills Session 1 6-7:15 pm Session 2 7:15-8:30pm
Sessions run weekly for 8 weeks from April 10th to May 29th on Wednesday nights at Sir Winston Churchill.
Each session is for boys and girls. We only take a max of 40 kids per session.
Price $175 includes 8 weeks of training/games and shirt
Session 1 is for grade 2 to grade 4 (6pm- 7:15pm) 
Session 2 is for grade 5 to grade 8 (7:15-8:30pm)
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Players Name  *
Grade *
Age *
Shirt Size - Please remember what your order is what you get as I only order what is ordered.  *
Email  *
Emergency Contact Number *
Any other information or medical concern
Payment Option  *
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