J1 Spring Checkup Test Brk Intro U5 (3/2023) -
Listening and Grammar
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English name (not your Chinese name): *
Chinese name (write in Chinese!) *
Number: *
Class: *
Listening Section: Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions.
PART 1: Listen to Penny talk about things she likes and doesn't like.
Q.#1-13 Does she like or dislike these things? If she DOESN'T talk about them, choose "We don't know!" *
Doesn't like!
We don't know!
TV Shows?
Game Shows?
Comic books?
Video games?
Korean food?
Chinese food?
Italian food?
French food?
Q.#14 Her favorite TV show is called... *
Q.#15 Her favorite actor is from... *
Q.#16 Her favorite actor is also a good.... *
Q.#17 The animal she likes the most is... *
Q.#18 One food that she really doesn't like is... *
PART 3: Listen to 3 people talk about their likes and interests.
Q.#19 The first student, Darren, is crazy about... *
Q.#20 Darren's parents... *
Q.#21 Darren's is also interested in... *
Q.#22 The second student, Richard, is very interested in.... *
Q.#23 The second student, Richard, likes to play... *
Q.#24 The third student, Tim, likes.... *
Q.#25 The third student, Tim, also likes... *
Listening 4: Listen to 3 people talk about their likes and dislikes.
Q.#26-35 Who says the following things? *
likes watching TV
likes dancing
doesn't like seafood
likes playing tennis
doesn't like shopping
likes reading magazines
likes chocolate
likes Japanese food
likes drinking green tea
doesn't like to sing
Listening 5: Listen to Alex talk about the things he likes and doesn't like.
Q.#36. Alex's favorite kind of food is... *
Q.#37. Alex doesn't like to drink ______. *
Q.#38. Alex likes to watch ______. *
Q.#39. Alex likes to read ______. *
Q.#40. On weekends, Alex likes to go ____________. *
(Q.#41.&50) Listen carefully! Which statements are true and false? If she doesn't talk about this, choose "We don't know!" *
We don't know!
Wendy is from Australia.
Her birthday is in March.
She has a son.
Her husband is older than her.
She lives in Australia now.
Wendy works in a university.
She loves to eat spaghetti.
She is a very good cook.
She drinks a lot of tea!
On the weekend, she goes swimming.
(Q.#51-60.) Choose if the following grammar is Correct (O) or Incorrect (X) *
Correct (O)
Incorrect (X)
Tim likes basketball.
Hank isn't like swimming.
Jolie doesn't like to reading.
Amber likes dancing.
Sunny doesn't like to do anything!
Charice likes to sleep.
Neil loves music.
Patrick doesn't like to playing piano.
Gene doesn't like do homework.
Jean like listening to music.
Look at this chart to answer the questions below:
(Q.#61-65.) Choose if the following sentence is Correct (O) or Incorrect (X). *
Correct (O)
Incorrect (X)
Jenny and Sam both like reading books.
Tim likes playing basketball, but Sue doesn't.
Lily doesn't like tennis or basketball.
Sam doesn't like writing, but Tim does.
Lily and Tim like both soccer and basketball.
Hooray! You did it! - (feel free to dance, just not on your chair!)
A new popular snack?
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