NP ROSS Individual Tax Reporting Profile
By completing this short form, we will gain the insights necessary to understand your current tax reporting parameters and, if requested, provide you with a quote for our fee to prepare your Individual income tax return. If you own/operate a business entity such as an LLC/Partnership, S-Corporation, or C-Corporation, please also complete our Business Tax Reporting Profile, using the link provided at If you have any questions, please contact Nathan Ross CPA, at 713.589.8727, x101 or by email:
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about you...
First name *
Last name *
Phone no. *
If you are submitting this form to receive a fee quote, what is your timeline for making a decision to engage a firm to prepare your return?
(i.e. How quickly do you need this quote?)
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about your return...
What type of return do you need a fee quote for? *
Complete this form for EACH type of return you need to file.
Which tax year(s) are you seeking preparation services for the return(s) indicated above? *
If this is a request for an "Individual" Form 1040 Income Tax Return, please select your anticipated Filing Status *
For any other return type, please skip the questions below, go directly "Questions & Comments" at the bottom of this form, and provide us with a general description of the return type that you wish to have prepared.  We will contact you to discuss your details.
Do you currently submit 'Quarterly' Estimated Tax payments to IRS? *
How many investment accounts do you maintain? *
Brokerage accounts, bank accounts, etc. For each account indicate that nature and type of transactions involved, e.g. Interest, Dividends, Stock trades (indicate the approximate no. of dispositions). If none, enter "N/A".
Do you own rental real estate? *
LIst the each property address that you currently own and next to each specify the "type" (i.e. "Personal Residence", "Residential Rental", "Vacation Rental" (average rental term is less than 30 days), and "Inventory" (i.e. properties currently held that you plan to "flip").  Also, indicate the approximate number of assets for each property which are currently reflected on the Asset List/Depreciation Schedule that are subject to depreciation (e.g. Dwelling, A/C, Stove, etc.). If none, enter "N/A".
How many properties did you refinance, purchase, or otherwise acquire during the tax year for which this fee quote is requested? *
1, 2, 3, etc. If none, enter "N/A".
How many properties did you sell, or otherwise dispose of during the tax year for which this fee estimate is requested? *
1, 2, 3, etc. If none, enter "N/A".
Are you a Partner in a Partnership, or Member in an LLC? *
Please indicate how many K-1s you have received, or expect to receive for the tax year for which this fee estimate is requested. Further indicate how long you have owned each such interest; lastly, indicate if any of these interests have been disposed of, and if so, the date of such disposition. If you (and/or your spouse) are the sole owner, or if you are the partner/member responsible for undertaking preparation of the Company's return(s), let us know if you would like a quote for undertaking preparation of same. If none, enter "N/A".
How would you generally describe your status in today's electronic age? *
(i.e. will our firm be able to work with you electronically, or will paper still be a requirement for us? Our best pricing occurs where "paperless" efficiencies can be realized. However, we are sensitive to the fact that some folks do NOT embrace technology or are otherwise unwilling, or unable to utilize. We feel we excel at serving both camps, however, we provide preferential pricing for those who can assist us in gaining a higher level of efficiency with respect to the delivery of our services.)
How do you make a living? *
Is your prior year tax return available for us to review? *
NOTE: Our very strong preference is that ALL documents containing sensitive data regarding your private information be transmitted via our secure SmartVault portal account. If you have documents that you wish to submit for us to consider for your quote (e.g. prior year tax returns and/or other tax data), let us know below, along with providing an email address if different from the one entered above. We will then send an invite via the SmartVault system to allow you to complete the process of setting up your  own private "vault" in our account (at no charge to you).
billing & payment arrangements...
Under which billing model do you wish to engage us? *
What is your expectation of how much your return preparation should cost? *
Our firm's primary focus is serving real estate investors/operators, therefore we have a keen understanding of  the value of the knowledge base and related professional skill-sets required for delivering such services relative to what other firms in the market may provide.  It serves both of our interests to determine as early on as possible in our relationship if we can adequately serve your needs by you giving us some idea of what your expectations are regarding the level of professional fees you expect to pay for a firm such as ours to undertake the tasks your needs may require. Sometimes we find that a prospect may be better served with respect to their current needs by us providing a referral to another accountant/firm who possibly represents a better fit for meeting the prospect's perception of value.
How do you prefer to pay us for our services? *
Note: A 4% manual processing fee will be added to the quoted/billed amount for our services for payment methods other than our E-Invoice/E-Check option. Payment via this option requires NO setup on your end and automates processing on our end -- easy and FREE for you to use.
Questions & Comments
Tell us any other information you believe would help us understand the potential scope of the services needed to prepare your tax return, or to support your other tax compliance or tax planning needs (e.g. assistance with calculating quarterly Estimated Payments, preparation of Federal Gift tax returns, preparation of State Income tax returns, periodic telephone or email consultations, etc.). If none, enter "N/A".
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