Application: Custom Training with KBall
I'm excited to learn more about your team and product and determine if I can make a difference for you. The questions below will help me determine if I'd be a good fit for your needs.
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Name *
Phone Number
Preferred form of contact
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Company *
What does your company do, and what role does your team play within it? *
How big is your team and how are they organized (IE all devs, integrated product team, etc?) *
What is your role within your team? *
What are your team's values? *
What is your team struggling with the most? *
What does your current product look like? How big is the codebase, what is the tech stack, etc? *
What are your biggest challenges with the current codebase? *
What technologies or tools are you most interested in adopting or improving your use of? *
Why do you want to work with me? *
Does your company have an existing process and budget for training? *
What length of training are you interested in? *
Anything else I should know?
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