Application to join SWS DevRel Community
Why is this devrel community curated? The community feels it’s important for those of us who are pursuing this career to have a safe place to talk about our struggles, offer suggestions and congratulations, seek advice, and create professional relationships with others in the industry. As a result, we limit access to this group to those who are actively engaged in a career in Developer Relations or Community Management for a technical community. If the community is over saturated with non-related roles we dilute value of industry expertise with others in the community
Email *
Full Name (First Last) *
Organization (Company, University etc) *
What is your title? *
If your company isn't primarily focused on the software/tech industry (e.g. banking, education, etc.), please describe how you interact and/or engage with your developer community. *
Discord Handle (to send invitation) *
X/Twitter Handle *
Linkedin URL *
Please tell us a little about you and the job you perform. Please list out the current DevRel initiatives and tasks that you perform as a member of the DevRel team at your place of employment or volunteer work. *
Sign with your 0x wallet address, that you've read and accept Code of Conduct  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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