CTE Skill Certificate Program Survey
We are committed to providing resources and services that will assist educators in their efforts to help students earn a skill certificate.  As part of our ongoing evaluation process, we would appreciate your feedback.
(All submissions are anonymous).

Please rate the following aspects of the CTE Skill Certificate Program:
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How professionally do USOE Skill Certificate Program staff interact with program participants? *
Not at all professionally
Extremely professionally
(please feel free to add your comments)
Overall, how responsive have USOE Skill Certificate Program staff been to your questions about the program when you ask? *
Not at all responsive
Extremely responsive
(please feel free to add your comments)
Overall, how responsive has Precision Exams technical support staff been to your questions or concerns when you ask? *
Not at all responsive
Extremely responsive
(please feel free to add your comments)
In your opinion as an educator, how effectively do the Utah CTE Skill Certificate exams evaluate the content covered by the course standards provided by the state? *
Not at all effectively
Extremely effectively
How often do you visit the USOE Skill Certificate Program website to find answers to your program questions? (http://www.schools.utah.gov/ate/Skills/skills.htm) *
Not at all
Extremely often
How well does the USOE Skill Certificate Program website provide information necessary to answer your program questions? *
Not at all well
Extremely well
When you have questions about how to use the Career Skills testing system provided by Precision Exams, how often do you use the training material provided for users under the teacher training tab on the Precision Exams website (www.precisionexams.com/usoe)? *
Not at all
Extremely often
How well does the USOE train, explain, and market the value of students  earning a Utah CTE Skill Certificate to teachers and administrators? *
Not at all well
Extremely well
How eager would you be to attend professional development opportunities regarding how to maximize the use of the reporting features of the Skill Certificate Program? *
Not at all eager
Extremely eager
How eager would you be to attend professional development opportunities regarding how to most efficiently administer/proctor Skill Certificate exams?
Not at all eager
Extremely eager
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In your experience, how do you rate the overall quality of the CTE Skill Certificate Program? *
Please identify your current position:
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What particular aspect of the Utah CTE Skill Certificate Program do you find especially helpful and why? *
What suggestions do you have to improve the Utah CTE Skill Certificate Program? *
How would you propose the USOE market the Utah CTE Skills Certificate Program so it has more value to educators and students? *
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