RSVP for A Conversation with 2021-22 Student Historians, Sophia Abrams & Sydney Tang

Hello! RSVPs no longer needed for tonight's event. Please join us tonight, 4/19, at 7:00 p.m. in-person at College Library or online via Zoom:

Join us online or at Ethnic Studies Room, College Library on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 7:00pm, for A Conversation with the UW Archives Student Historians. 2021-2022 Student Historians in Residence Sophia Abrams and Sydney Tang will discuss their research projects, “Black Artists at the UW-Madison” and “Experiences of Students of Color at the Wisconsin Union Directorate” and reflect on their work this past year.

For the past two years, Sophia Abrams (‘22) worked as a Student Historian in Residence for the University Archives creating an oral history project on Black artists. With 17 artists agreeing to have the interviews archived, a rich history of UW-Madison’s Black art history presents itself. After interviewing each artist, Abrams spent the 2022 year creating art exhibitions and documentaries derived from her research.

Sydney’s (‘22) research focuses on the experiences of past student leaders of color in the Wisconsin Union Directorate (WUD). Through this project, they highlighted the initiatives these leaders participated in while on campus and with the Wisconsin Union, how the students found (or not found) community on a predominately white campus, and reflect on how WUD and the Union shaped their identities and leadership skills.

Snacks will be provided for those attending in-person. Zoom links will be shared closer to the event.

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