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KOSKO Registration January-July 2022
A global learning network project for professors and the future teachers in their classes.
Please complete one form for each participating class.
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We invite you to participate in the first session of the 2022 KOSKO Future Teachers Project!
Name(s) of the professor(s)/instructor(s)
Your answer
Email address(es)
Your answer
Other contact information (phone, WhatsApp, etc.)
Your answer
Name of the institution/university with city and country.
Your answer
Title of the course
Your answer
Number of students (approximately)
Your answer
What subject(s) and age levels will the future teachers teach when they finish their training?
Your answer
Do the future teachers have access to schools and students now (e.g. student teaching, school visits or classroom observations)?
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What are your course dates (start date and end date)? Please also mention the dates of any vacations longer than 4 days.
Your answer
The day(s) of the week and the times of the day when your class meets
Your answer
What are your proposed/desired dates of participation? (The earliest date you would be available to work with a partner, and the date by which you need to finish the collaboration.)
Your answer
Will the course be online, in person, or hybrid?
Your answer
Will the future teachers have access to the new iEARN Collaboration Center? To other technologies?
Your answer
Ideas for the exchange or topics you are interested in
Your answer
What are your goals in participating in the KOSKO Project?
Your answer
Other comments, suggestions, or questions
Your answer
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