KubeWeekly Editor Application

As an editor of KubeWeekly, you must be able to understand the newsletter is meant for the community, not a space to self-promote your own work or specific companies. Editors will abide by the CNCF Code of Conduct.

Editor requirements:

  • Commitment: Half-year (temp)

  • 1-2 hours a week; scanning for content and reviewing submissions (async)

    • Wednesday afternoon for review time, add notes for articles not chosen

  • Kickoff call/1x quarter to touch base 

  • Actively contributing to 1x project

  • Ability to have an unbiased/vendor-neutral perspective when choosing/approving articles

Name *
Company *
Job Title *
Email address *
Slack handle *
CNCF Member/Associated with Member Company  *
What projects are you currently participating in?  *
Where do you get your news from? What sources do you use to stay up to date on all things cloud native?  *
Why do you want to be an editor for KubeWeekly? What unique perspective do you think you can bring?  *
Anything else you think we should know? 
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