World Cosplay Summit Malaysia National Championship 2026
Online Submission for WCS MY National Championship 2026
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Event Registration Guidelines for WCS Malaysia National Championship 2026

Administrivia Notification
  • WCS MY 2026 is scheduled to be held in conjunction with Noizucon 2025.
  • Venue expectation: MMU Cyberjaya.
  • Date expectation: TBA September 2025

Participation Fees
  • Mandatory for all entrants.
  • RM200 per team (duo), non-refundable.
  • Participants must be 18 years and older.
  • Participants must be native Malaysian or a permanent resident of Malaysia.
  • Only the first 12(+-3) teams to register will be accepted.
Payment Details
  • Make payments to:

    Think Big Sdn. Bhd. (662268-A)
    Hong Leong Bank Bhd
    Account Number: 13800020438

  • Please e-mail your receipt to or whatsapp to +60187887258 to confirm your participation.
  • Members of the World Cosplay Summit Alliance Program enjoy a 50% fee waivers.
  • Team will only need 1 member of WCSMAP to qualify.
Cooldown Period
  • Previous National Champions must observe a 2-year cool-down period before participating, performing, or using their WCSMY skits in any WCSMY-driven events.
Confirmation Process
  • After processing your application form, expect a confirmation email containing more details and payment instructions within 7-14 working days.
Promotional Use Permission
  • Organizers are granted permission to use your information for promotional purposes upon confirmation of participation.

  1. Language Requirement

    All communication between parties should be conducted exclusively in English/Bahasa Malaysia.

  2. Competition and Prizes

    Winners of WCS Malaysia 2026 will vie for the title of Malaysian World Cosplay Summit Champion and an opportunity to travel to Nagoya, Japan, for The World Cosplay Summit.

  3. Liability Statement

    The World Cosplay Summit Malaysia Organization is not responsible for any injuries or losses that may occur during the event.

  4. Guidelines for Participants

    Participants are required to adhere to instructions provided by organizers and crews to ensure a seamless competition experience.

  5. Inquiries and Changes

    Questions not covered in the FAQ or requests for form changes should be directed to or within 2 weeks after confirmation. Changes made after this period will not be accepted.

  6. Promotional Use of Footage

    WCS Malaysia Organization retains the right to use footage and images of participants for promotional purposes.

  7. Disqualification Notice

    The Organization reserves the right to disqualify participants found to be in violation of the rules.

  1. Registration Period
    The registration date is open from 8th January 2025 to 15th April 2025
    11:59pm +8GMT or maximum of 15 teams confirmation whichever comes first
    . [First Signup Basis]

  2. Incomplete Costume Work (W.I.P)
    If your costume work is not finished, you can register first and update the link BEFORE the submission deadline. [60 days BEFORE the competition]

    Late submissions will result in point deductions during the judging process.

    IMPORTANT: Do not submit a form without a Google Drive Link. The folder must be set to public.

  3. Confirmation Email:
    Once the form is submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to the main representative within 1 working week.

  4. Inquiries:
    For questions, contact World Cosplay Summit Malaysia support at or 

  5. Former Representatives and Partners:
    Past champions (former representatives) are not allowed to participate in preliminary rounds for 2 years. This rule may also apply to cosplayers who change partners.
Submission Guidelines: Audio, Video, and References

Upon submission, we will reach out to you via email and WhatsApp. A WIP template will be provided upon confirmation. If you do not receive an email, please contact our support team at or through our Facebook page:

Before the specified deadline, we'll need the following files:

- Image of the characters
  • Costume worn during the competition; fan-art is acceptable as a reference, as long as it stays within 80% of the original character design from the series you are cosplaying.
- Description of your character

- Synopsis of the story your team will portray

- Backdrop/Stage Prop Information:
  1. Size: Height x Width x Depth (MM)
  2. Weight (KG)
  3. Maximum 3 stage props only.
  4. Backdrop/stage props
    a. Weight: must not exceed 10kg
    b. Height: measurements of 2,100 mm (210 cm / 2.1 meters)
    c. Width: 2,100 mm (210 cm /2.1 meters)
    d. Depth: 900 mm (90 cm / 0.9 meters)
  5. Unique items that are used to hide the costumes or that include special features such as gimmicks or other mechanisms, must be declared.
- Work-in-progress details in PowerPoint format
  • Showcasing how the costume and props were made.
  • This will be presented to the judges.
- High-Quality music sound file and Video Performance.
  • Music sound file: MP3 and WAV format only
  • Video: MP4 file only (Aspect ratio :16:9)
- Lighting Cue

Important Note:
  • The use of original illustration works or voice-overs from sources such as Anime, Movies, or Drama CDs is strictly prohibited.
  • A WCS MY guidebook with more in-depth details will be provided upon confirmation of participation.
1. General Rules

a. Eligibility:
  • Participants must be at least 18 years old at the time of the competition.
  • Each team must consist of two members.
  • All participants must have a valid passport for international travel.
  • Participants must be Malaysian or PR residing in Malaysia.
b. Registration:
  • Teams must submit a completed registration form along with a detailed description of their skit and costume documentation.
  • Registration opens six months before the competition and closes two
  • Only the first 10(+-2) teams to register will be accepted.
c. Skit Duration:
  • Skits must not exceed 150 seconds in duration, and 90 seconds setup and tear-down time.
  • Teams will be penalized for exceeding the time limit.
  • Skit performance can only be done ONCE.
  • Team can only re-do if there is any technical issue with their audio/visual within the first 30 seconds.
d. Content Guidelines:
  • Skits must be based on characters from anime, manga, video games, or other Japanese pop culture sources.
  • No explicit or inappropriate content is allowed. Skits should be family-friendly.
e. Costumes and Props:
  • Costumes must be handmade by the participants.
  • Store-bought or commissioned costumes are not allowed.
  • All props and weapons must comply with the event's weapons policy.
  • Dangerous or sharp objects are strictly prohibited.
2. Costume Judging Rules

a. Costume Documentation
  • Participants must provide a detailed documentation of their costume making process, including progress photos and a breakdown of materials used.
  • Failure to submit complete documentation may result in point deductions during the judging process.
b. Costume Size and Mobility
  • Costumes must be designed to allow free movement on stage. Excessive size, weight, or elements that may pose a danger to the participants or the audience are not permitted.
  • Participants are responsible for their own mobility and must not impede the flow of the performance.
c. Prop Safety Inspection
  • All props and weapons must undergo a safety inspection before the competition.
  • Any item deemed unsafe by the event staff will not be allowed on stage.
  • Participants must provide a detailed list of all props and their materials during the submission process.
3. Performance Judging Rules

a. Language Usage
  • Skits must be performed in English or Japanese. If participants choose to perform in a language other than these, they must provide subtitles or a translated script for the judges in advance.
b. Skit Relevance
  • The skit must prominently feature the characters and elements from the chosen Japanese pop culture source. Deviating significantly from the source material may lead to point deductions.
c. Collaboration Disclosure
  • Teams must disclose any collaboration with professional performers, costume makers, or prop builders. Failure to disclose may result in disqualification.
Judging Criteria
The judge scoring are subject to expansion.
The scoring outlined below is subject to changes and serves as the basis for higher-level criteria.  

Costume Judging Criteria (100 points)
  • Costume Accuracy (40 points)
    Evaluated by comparing the actual costume with the design of the costumes in the original work.

  • Craftsmanship (40 points)
    Quality of costume construction, attention to detail, and adherence to source material.

  • Creativity in Technique (20 points)
    Evaluation of costume-making skills with a focus on quality over quantity of techniques.
Performance Judging Criteria (100 points)
  • Performance (50 points)
    The quality and accomplishment of the performance, storytelling, prop usage, adherence to the original work, and overall entertainment value.

  • Acting & Stage Proficiency (20 points)
    Expressiveness on stage, how well-rehearsed performers appear, their expressiveness in scenes with little or no action, and their delivery of dialogue.

  • Costume Stage Presence (20 points)
    Visual impact of costumes on stage.

  • X Factor [Judges' Discretion] (10 points)
    Additional points for exceeding expectations, particularly moving or exciting moments, or innovative ideas not seen before in the competition.
4. Terms & Conditions

a. Photography and Videography
  • Participants grant the event organizers the right to use photographs and videos of their performance for promotional purposes.
b. Travel and Accommodation
  • Teams are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses.
  • The event organizers will not provide financial assistance for travel or accommodation.
c. Changes and Cancellations
  • The event organizers reserve the right to make changes to the competition schedule or rules if necessary.
  • Teams must notify the organizers of any cancellations at least one month (30 DAYS) before the event.
d. Liability
  • Participants understand and accept the risks associated with performing on stage and release the event organizers from any liability for injuries or damages.
e. Disqualification
  • Teams may be disqualified for violating any rules or regulations, engaging in inappropriate behavior, or failing to comply with the event's terms and conditions.  
f. Event Organizers' Decision
  • The decision of the judges and event organizers are final. No appeals will be considered.
5. Promotion and Representation

5.1. Media and Interviews: 
  • The Champion agrees to participate in media interviews, promotional events, and other activities to represent Malaysia and the Event.
6. Acknowledgement of Policies

a. Weapons Policy
  • Participants must acknowledge and adhere to the event's weapons policy regarding the use of props and weapons during the competition.
b. Comprehensive Code of Conduct
  • Participants will acknowledge a comprehensive code of conduct that outlines expected behavior, both online and offline, throughout the competition by default of participating in WCS MY 2025.
WCS MY National Championship 2026 - Weapons Policy

1. Prop and Weapon Inspection 
  • All props and weapons must be submitted for inspection during the mandatory rehearsal session, which takes place the day before the competition.

  • Participants should allow sufficient time for inspection to avoid delays in the rehearsal schedule.
2. Prop Size and Weight
  • Props and weapons must be of a reasonable size and weight to ensure ease of handling and maneuverability on and off the stage.

  • Excessively large or heavy props may be subject to additional scrutiny.
3. Materials
  • Props and weapons must be constructed from lightweight and non-hazardous materials.

  • Metal props, sharp edges, or any material that may pose a risk to participants, audience members, or event staff are strictly prohibited.
4. Blunt and Non-Functional Edges  
  • Edges of weapons and props should be blunt and non-functional to prevent accidental injuries.

  • Any sharp or pointed edges must be dulled or capped to minimize the risk of harm.
5. No Live Ammunition
  • Live ammunition, explosive devices, or any items that discharge projectiles are strictly prohibited.

  • This includes but is not limited to firearms, airsoft guns, and functional projectile-launching devices.
6. Compliance with Local Laws
  • All props and weapons must comply with the local laws and regulations of Malaysia.

  • Participants are responsible for ensuring that their props meet legal requirements.
7. On-Stage Handling
  • Participants must demonstrate responsible and controlled handling of props and weapons while on stage.

  • Actions that may endanger oneself, team members, or audience members are strictly prohibited.
8. Special Effects and Pyrotechnics
  • The use of special effects, pyrotechnics, or any explosive devices must be pre-approved by the event organizers.

  • Safety measures and precautions, including the presence of a licensed technician, are mandatory for any approved effects.
9. Reporting of Concerns
  • Participants and attendees are encouraged to report any concerns regarding props or weapons to event staff.

  • Event organizers will investigate and address reported concerns promptly.
10. Immediate Disqualification
  • Any violation of the Weapons Policy may result in immediate disqualification from the competition.

  • Disqualified participants may face additional consequences as deemed necessary by event organizers.
11. Event Organizer Discretion
  • Event organizers reserve the right to make final judgments regarding the suitability of props and weapons.

  • Participants must comply with the instructions and decisions of event staff to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all.
WCS MY National Championship 2026 - Judge Score Reporting Guideline

  • The scoring format is designed to provide judges with a structured framework for evaluating participants in the Costume and Performance categories, while also offering participants transparency about the judging process.

  • This framework serves as a guideline to assist judges during discussions, with the scoring acting as the basis for deliberation but not determining the final selection of the grand champion.

  • The three level of judges decision making are based on the following:
    - Costume
    - Performance
    - Judges Deliberation

  • Judges are responsible for making results and decisions, which will be subject to oversight and compliance by the appointed observers.
Costume Judging Criteria (100 points):

a. Costume Accuracy (40 points):
  • Exceptional (33-40 points)
  • Very Good (25-32 points)
  • Good (17-24 points)
  • Satisfactory (9-16 points)
  • Needs Improvement (0-8 points)
b.  Craftsmanship (40 points):
  • Exceptional (33-40 points)
  • Very Good (25-32 points)
  • Good (17-24 points)
  • Satisfactory (9-16 points)
  • Needs Improvement (0-8 points)
c.  Creativity in Technique (20 points):
  • Exceptional (18-20 points)
  • Very Good (15-17 points)
  • Good (12-14 points)
  • Satisfactory (9-11 points)
  • Needs Improvement (0-8 points)
Performance Judging Criteria (100 points):

a.  Performance (50 points):
  • Exceptional (41-50 points)
  • Very Good (31-40 points)
  • Good (21-30 points)
  • Satisfactory (11-20 points)
  • Needs Improvement (0-10 points)
b.  Acting & Stage Proficiency (20 points):
  • Exceptional (18-20 points)
  • Very Good (15-17 points)
  • Good (12-14 points)
  • Satisfactory (9-11 points)
  • Needs Improvement (0-8 points)
c.  Costume Stage Presence (20 points):
  • Exceptional (18-20 points)
  • Very Good (15-17 points)
  • Good (12-14 points)
  • Satisfactory (9-11 points)
  • Needs Improvement (0-8 points)
d.  X Factor [Judges' Discretion]  (10 points):
  • Exceptional (9-10 points)
  • Very Good (7-8 points)
  • Good (5-6 points)
  • Satisfactory (3-4 points)
  • Needs Improvement (0-2 points)
Overall Comments:

a. Costume Category:
  • Provide specific comments on the costume judging criteria, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
b. Performance Category:
  • Provide specific comments on the performance judging criteria, emphasizing noteworthy aspects and suggestions for enhancement.
c. General Comments:
  • Include any additional comments or observations that may not fit within the specific criteria.
Total Score:
  • A scale of 200 points (100 for Costume Judging and 100 for Stage Performance Judging).
  • The scoring acts as the basis for deliberation but does not determine the final selection of the grand champion.
WCS MY National Championship 2026 - Code of Conduct


I understand that adherence to this code of conduct is essential for the successful and harmonious conduct of the WCS MY 2025. I agree to upholding the values, principles, and expectations outlined below.
  1. Respect:
    I will treat all participants, organizers, and community members with respect, courtesy, and kindness.

  2. Inclusivity:
    I will foster an inclusive and welcoming environment, embracing diversity and promoting a sense of belonging for all.

  3. Ethical Practices:
    I will conduct myself ethically both online and offline, upholding principles of fairness, integrity, and honesty.

  4. Community Engagement:
    I will actively engage with the cosplay community, contributing positively to its growth and development.

  5. Privacy and Consent:
    I will respect the privacy and personal boundaries of others, seeking consent before engaging in any form of interaction.

  6. Positive Contribution:
    I will contribute positively to the cosplay community, supporting fellow participants and organizers.

  7. Avoid Negative Posting:
    I will not engage in any negative or harmful communication about the World Cosplay Summit Malaysia, its organizers, participants, or any affiliated parties and programs on any online or offline platform.

  8. Collaboration:
    I will collaborate with community members in a respectful and cooperative manner, fostering a positive and creative community.

  9. Adherence to Community Standards:
    I will comply with all community standards and guidelines set forth by the World Cosplay Summit Malaysia Organizer as above.

  10. Acknowledgment:
    I acknowledge that my participation in the World Cosplay Summit Malaysia 2026 is contingent upon my adherence to the above code of conduct.
WCS MY 2026 National Champion - Terms & Conditions

The following is applicable only if you excel as the Champion of World Cosplay Summit National Championship Malaysia 2026

As a participant in the World Cosplay Summit, National Championship Malaysia 2026 , you, the Champion, hereby acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

a. Title and Responsibilities:
  1. Title: The title of "Champion"
    is bestowed upon the winning team of the World Cosplay Summit, National Championship Malaysia 2026

  2. Responsibilities:
    The Champion agrees to represent Malaysia in the World Cosplay Summit (WCS) international competition, held annually in Japan. This includes participating in promotional events, interviews, and activities as requested by the Event Organizers and WCS.
b. Travel and Accommodation:
  1. International Travel:
    The Organizer will be providing a full travel flight ticket for both ways from KL-Japan-KL and is responsible for making all necessary arrangements for international travel to Japan to participate in the WCS.

  2. Accommodation:
    The WCS Japan Event Organizers will provide accommodation details for the duration of the WCS in Japan.
c. Costume and Performance:
  1. WCS Japan Guidelines:
    The Champion agrees to adhere to the guidelines and rules set forth by the World Cosplay Summit Japan for the international competition.

  2. Event Sponsorship:
    The Champion agrees to acknowledge and promote event sponsors during WCS and related activities
d. Conduct and Professionalism:
  1. Professional Behavior:
    The Champion agrees to maintain a high level of professionalism during all WCS-related activities and events.

  2. Respect and Sportsmanship:
    The Champion shall treat fellow participants, organizers, sponsors, and the WCS community with respect and sportsmanship.
e. WCS International Competition Results:
  1. Judging and Outcomes:
    The Champion acknowledges that the results of the WCS international competition are subject to the judging panel's decision, and the outcome may vary.

  2. Post-Competition Representation:
    Regardless of the outcome, the Champion agrees to represent Malaysia positively and with sportsmanship.
f. Agreement Duration:
  1. Term:
    These terms and conditions are applicable from the time the Champion is declared until the conclusion of the WCS international competition and related activities.
g. Termination:
  1. Breach of Terms:
    In the event of a breach of any terms and conditions outlined herein, the Event Organizers reserve the right to terminate the Champion's title and participation in related activities.
h. Agreement Acceptance: 

By participating in the World Cosplay Summit, National Championship Malaysia 2026, the Champion acknowledges having read, understood, and accepted these terms and conditions.


All applications are subject to review and approval by the appointed WCSMY 2026 observers.
A complete guide to the WCS MY 2026 and WCS JP rules and regulations will be provided upon acceptance to compete in WCS MY 2026.
Kindly take note (again) of the following details
By clicking "Yes", you have read and agreed to the rules and regulations stated above.
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