Cumbria Opera Group Friends' Form 2022-23
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Friend of the Cumbria Opera Group. We’re so delighted that you may be joining the Cumbria Opera Group family and look forward to hearing more from you!

Here is the outline of our 2022-23 Friends’ scheme:

£50 or more: join the Derwentwater Circle and receive:

- Priority booking for all 2022-23 events, including our 2023 Festival.
- An invitation to all Festival Drinks Receptions.

£100 or more: join the Ullswater Circle and receive:

- Priority booking for all 2022-23 events, including our 2023 Festival.
- Invitations to all Festival Drinks Receptions and Festival Meals.
- VIP seating.
- Access to selected rehearsals.

£200 or more: join the Windermere Circle and receive:

- Priority booking for all 2022-23 events, including our 2023 Festival.
- Invitations to all Festival Drinks Receptions and Festival Meals.
- VIP seating
- Access to selected rehearsals.
- Complimentary tickets to a 2023 Festival Event of your choice.

If you'd like to become a Friend, please fill in the form below, and pay the required amount to the Cumbria Opera Group by either Bank Transfer or Cheque.

Cumbria Opera Group
05-05-40 34214230

Please make cheques payable to ‘Cumbria Opera Group’, and send to the following address:

7 Thorny Hills
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As a registered charity (no. 1183545) we are able to claim 25% on this one-off donation through Gift Aid. Are you a UK Tax Payer who is happy for us to claim Gift Aid on your donation?   *
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