I Can't Wait to Volunteer at the Sole Train 5K 2022
Volunteer for the 9th Annual Sole Train 5K!
  • When: Saturday October 29, 2022
  • Where: Shattuck Picnic Grove, Franklin Park Boston
  • Time: 11:00am - 4:30pm
Learn more at soletrain5k.com  

Fill out the form below and we will be in touch with more information. And feel free to spread the word!

Sole Train: Boston Runs Together is a program of Trinity Boston Connects. Trinity Boston Connects people, programs, and practices to heal the traumatic impact of systemic racism on youth of color in Boston.

If you have any questions, please contact us at soletrainbostonrunstogether@gmail.com or visit our website www.trinityconnects.org/sole-train

Sole Train, a program of Trinity Boston Connects, is a free community-building and mentoring program that uses running as a vehicle for setting and achieving seemingly impossible goals. As a supportive community of caring adults and peers, Sole Train champions young people as they realize their capacity for greatness. Students (Young Soles), grades 5-8, and adult volunteers (Old Soles) at Boston area public schools and community centers practice at their site 1-2 times a week and participate in community building events and races, leading up to Sole Train’s culminating goal: Boston’s Run to Remember, a 5 mile or half marathon race, that takes place Memorial Day Weekend. We are a diverse, non-competitive, and inclusive running community. Running experience is not required. All are welcome!
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If you have any preference for volunteer activities or anything you'd like to avoid (e.g. standing/sitting/physical limitations), please let us know and we'll do our best to accommodate!
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