Seeds of Life Volunteer Drive
God has given each person spiritual gifts to serve His church. We are grateful for your support that allows us to make disciples at Seeds. We have immediate needs for ushers, greeters, set up, AV/Media and Seeds For Kids!. After submitting the form, the corresponding Ministry Director will reach out to you via email.
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Please share your past ministry experiences or ministry involvement, at a prior church, para-church, or at our church.
Where are you currently serving at Seeds? (Please select all that apply) *
To help you seek the Lord in where to serve at Seeds if you are not currently serving, share where you are interested in serving and would be willing to observe 2 ministry services or events before making a decision. Please select more than one.
Contact Info
First and Last Name *
Email *
Phone number
How long have you been worshipping at Seeds?
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