Club Request Form
Congratulations! You are one step closer to creating a club. In order to do so, you must read and complete this contract. After submission, Mrs. Briceno will arrange a meeting with you and your identified club members.
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Name of Club *
Club Leader (first & last name) *
Sponsoring Teacher *
Proposed Day(s) of Meeting:
Proposed Time of Meeting: *
Length of Meeting: *
Purpose of Club: *
Goals of the Club (at least three): *
Members of Club: (need at least three interested students) *
Will your club request a club donation? *
If yes, how much?
All members are aware they will be required to be present within the first 5 minutes of the start of the club. Participating within this club is a privilege, not a right. Any teacher can restrict student participation at any time. *
I understand that by participating in this club, there is a community connection requirement that must be fulfilled by the end of the trimester. Mrs. Briceno will meet with you and your club to determine what this may look like. *
I understand that by participating in this club, there is a club showcase requirement to fulfill at least once per semester (ex: create a club flyer, speak at Exhibition of Learning or Community Meeting).
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