Saint Matthew Early Childhood Center Interest Form
SMECC offers programming for children ranging in age from 6 weeks through 4 years.  We provide a warm, nurturing and supportive environment where children feel safe, secure, and develop both socially and academically.  SMECC is currently full for the 2024-2025 school year.  If you would like to be included on our distribution list to receive information when we open our registration period, in March (2025), please complete this interest form.  * Disclosure:  This form is not a guarantee for a spot nor is it a waitlist. By completing this form you will receive information for our open enrollment provided space is available.
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Email *
Guardian's First Name *
Guardian's Last Name *
Guardian's Email Address *
Guardian's Phone Number *
Current? *
Do you have a child currently enrolled in SMECC?
Member? *
Are you a member of Saint Matthew Church?
Child's name (First and Last) *
Child's birth date/due date
Program? *
I'm interested in: Daycare (infant through 2 years old); PreK2 (2 years old by Sept. 15th); PreK3 (3 years old by Sept. 15th); PreK4 (4 years old by Sept. 15th)
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