T206 Collector App Feedback
Thank you VERY much for taking the time to complete this form. Your feedback will be helpful as we finalize features for the app. Your email address will not be shared with anyone, and we won't contact you again unless you opt-in at the end of this form.
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Email *
First Name *
Knowledge Level of T206 *
Would you use a mobile app to track your T206 collection? *
Device of choice? *
If you were to use a collecting app, on which device would you likely use it?
Desired features in a T206 collecting app *
For our initial release, users will be able to browse the T206 set, add cards and card details to their Collection, add cards to a Wantlist, and see general stats on their Collection. In addition to those features, which three would you most like to see added in a future release?
Collection - Card Details
This screen shows an example of what info users will be able to enter for each card added to the user's Collection. Are there any data points we're missing that would make the app better?
Captionless Image
Would you be willing to Beta test our app? *
Testing may include gathering feedback on proposed screens and features, as well as testing the usability of our initial release. You can opt out at any time.
Is it okay to contact you via email with follow-up questions and updates on our progess? *
We won't spam you. This will likely be 1-2 emails per month.
Anything else you'd like to share?
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