Review of the evening and night time economy in Adur and Worthing
A cross party Working Group of Adur and Worthing Councillors from the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee is currently reviewing the impact of Covid-19 on the Adur and Worthing evening and night time economies (ENTE). This covers the economic activity (eating and drinking, entertainment and nightlife) which occurs between 5pm and 6am in the town and village centres - Worthing, Shoreham, Lancing, Sompting and Southwick.  

Now that Government restrictions have been lifted, opening up the ENTE, the Councillors would like to receive your views on ways to improve the vitality of the ENTE and to help people return to the town and village centres in Adur and Worthing safely. Your views will help the Councillors learn more about the impact of Covid-19 on the ENTE, what you think about the ENTE and what more needs to be done by the Councils and other partners to help the ENTE recover. The questions in the survey also cover general points about the ENTE such as crime and disorder and transport into and out of the town and village centres in the evening and night time.

Please complete this survey by 22 October. If you require any further information please contact
Mark Lowe on 01903 221009 or 

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1. Which town or village centres have you used in the evening or night time since the easing of the ‘lockdown’ restrictions on 19 July? (Please tick all that apply) *
2. If you have not used any of the town or village centres in Adur and Worthing please explain why and  please can you also let us know if you are planning to visit the town and village centres in the near future?
3. Please specify what times that you have used the town or village centres? *
4. Why have you visited the town or village centres? *
5. If you have recently visited any of the pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants, cafes or takeaways during the evening or night time how would you rate the Covid safety precautions put in place by businesses to make people feel safe? *
6. If you have recently visited any of the theatres, cinemas and other events how would you rate the Covid safety precautions put in place to make people feel safe? *
7. If you have recently visited any of the shops in the evening and night time how would you rate the Covid safety precautions put in place by the businesses to make people feel safe? *
8. If you have recently visited any accommodation premises in the evening and night time how would you rate the Covid safety precautions put in place by the businesses to make people feel safe? *
9. If you found any of the safety precautions referred to in Questions 5, 6, 7 and 8 above, poor or very poor, please explain why?
10. What form of transport do you regularly use to travel to and from the town and village centres? *
11. How do you rate the form of transport which you regularly use to travel into and out of the town and village centres in the evening and night time? *
12. If you consider the transport as poor or very poor please explain why and what can be done to improve it?
13. If you travelled to the town and village centres by taxi or private hire, the bus or the rail service, how would you rate the Covid safety precautions put in place by the operators to make people feel safe?   *
14. If you consider that the safety precautions referred to in Question 13 above are poor or very poor please explain why?
15. How safe do you feel in the town and village centres between 5pm and 7pm compared with the day time? *
16. How safe do you feel in the town and village centres between 7pm and 12 Midnight compared with the day time? *
17. How safe do you feel in the town and village centres between 12 Midnight and 6am compared with the day time? *
18. If you feel less safe in response to any of the questions 15, 16 and 17 above, please explain why?
19. What more do you think that the Councils and/or other organisations and businesses can do to help improve the evening and night time economies in Adur and Worthing?
Please give your age range: *
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