HIST 503 Final Project Submission and Reflection
Please use this googleform to submit the link to your final project for HIST 503 and to reflect on the process of completing the series of projects --- group Timeline, group StoryMap, and solo DH project --- for HIST503 in Spring 2018.  Prof. Pollard and Dr. Lach will use the database created by this googleform to easily access and sort your projects, as well as to reflect on the series of assignments (what worked and what we can improve next time around).

Be sure to SUBMIT to the turnitin link on Blackboard the Word file with your content containing the text and links that you placed in your DH platform. That file will be used as a “back-up” in the off chance something unforeseen happens to your DH project AND it will be used to run a plagiarism check.  [nota bene: In addition to the turnitin submission, IF YOU'VE CREATED A TIMELINE, download your timeline Google spreadsheet as an EXCEL file (File > Download as > Excel) and upload it here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FCVPFmyc0o3KtYe1FU9DSKxqNGeLu9mj].

Please contact Prof. Pollard (epollard@sdsu.edu) or Dr. Lach (plach@sdsu.edu) if you have any questions about this googleform and submission process. Anything with a red star is a required response (everything else is optional).

This link closes at 5PM on Thursday, May 3, 2018.  Upon submitting your response, you should get an email verifying submission.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Project
Last Name *
First Name *
Year (2nd, 3rd, 4th) *
Select your year
Major *
Title of Project *
DH Platform *
Select which platform you used
Public URL of Project *
Make sure this is not the link you access to edit your site. For TimelineJS, it's Steps 2-4 under "Make a Timeline." For StoryMapJS, click the Share button at the top right of your screen. See the screenshots below.
Embed Code *
We'll need your embed code to include it on the “HIST503 --- Visualizing Roman History” googlesite). The code should start with <iframe> and end with </iframe>. Not sure where to get this? See the screenshots below.
Deriving your Public Link and Embed Code - TimelineJS
Deriving your Public Link and Embed Code - StoryMapJS -- hit the SHARE button at the top right of the screen
Reflection about the Process
Please consider the following questions as you reflect both on this FINAL project and the series of projects you have completed all semester. Anything with a red star is a required response (everything else is optional).
Why did you choose the DH platform you used?  (suggested 100 words) *
How was the argument/thesis of your project specifically advanced, or made clearer, by the DH platform you selected?  Put another way, how was a Timeline or a Storymap the best way to represent your argument and research? (suggested 100 words) *
How did the earlier assignments (group Timeline and StoryMap) help you to select your platform and represent your research and ideas? (suggested 100 words) *
What was the best (or most rewarding) part about completing your DH project for HIST503?
What was the worst (or most difficult) aspect of the DH project for HIST503?
How did this series of projects --- the group contributions and the solo project --- compare with the projects you might expect in an upper-division History class (for example: book reviews, article analyses, research papers, historical source analyses)? *
What applications beyond HIST503 can you imagine for the skills you learned in the completion of these projects?
Help us improve the class!
Prof. Pollard and Dr. Lach welcome your honest feedback about the digital components of this class so that we continue refining these assignments for the future. Your responses will in no way impact the grade you receive in this class. These are all optional questions.
On a scale of 1-5, how helpful were the in-class tools workshops?
Not helpful
Very helpful
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On a scale of 1-5, how helpful were the tool tutorials (Dr. Lach's Google Docs)?
Not helpful
Very helpful
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On a scale of 1-5, how helpful were the assignment directions?
Not helpful
Very helpful
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On a scale of 1-5, how helpful were the in-class conversations reflecting on the tools?
Not helpful
Very helpful
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Were there technical aspects of the assignments that you wish we had covered in class? If so, tell us what to add.
Suggested improvements
Please share your thoughts on how we can improve the assignments and/or in-class workshops.
Your answers to the following questions will signify your consent (or non-consent) to Prof. Pollard and Dr. Lach to use your work in a range of venues: public HIST 503 website; publications and presentations; SDSU library's pilot Institutional Repository. These are all required questions.
Do you consent to your project being included on a public HIST503 website (for review by scholars interested in implementing these kinds of assignments in their own classes)?  Here is a link to the site we are building:  https://sites.google.com/sdsu.edu/hist503/ *
Do you consent to your responses to this form --- specifically your reflections on the process --- being used (anonymously) in any publication that Prof. Pollard and Dr. Lach might write about this series of assignments? *
Are you interested in volunteering to have your work archived as part of a pilot project the library is undertaking to preserve student projects (Pilot Institutional Repository)?  This would include filming a short explanatory demo of your project, via Zoom! or some other video capture software (you would be helped with this!). As the author of the project, you retain copyright of your work.
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