MAAQ Instructors Course Questionnaire
This questionnaire is provided as the first step to any MAAQ member who would like become an instructor.  

Step 1 - Questionnaire
Complete the questionnaire (below) and press Submit once completed.  (All of the answers to the questionnaire can be found in the MAAA Instructors Handbook).  After pressing Submit, an email detailing your responses will be emailed to you.  A copy of your responses will also be sent to the MAAQ State Flying Instructor (SFI).

Step 2 - Club Endorsement
Request your club endorse your application to become an instructor, that is, ask your club to send an email to the State Flying Instructor ( advising;
  • Your name
  • Your AUS number
  • Your Club
  • ...and confirmation of their support of your application to become an instructor
Step 3 - Instructor Course
Email the MAAQ SFI ( advising you would like to attend an MAAQ Instructors Course.  He will be expecting your call and will work at scheduling you into the next course.

Step 4 - Result
On the completion of all steps above the MAAQ SFI will evaluate the results and, if passed, will update the MAAA database with your Instructor credentials.

If you have any questions regarding this process or of becoming an Instructor please contact the MAAQ State Flying Instructor on
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Your Phone number *
Your MAAA AUS number #: *
What club/ clubs are you a member of *
The average concentration span for most students is; *
How many hours of tuition does the average student require in order to perform a solo flight? *

Overload of the student can occur if; 

Learning to land is; *
A good instructor should; *
The aim of the instructor is to; *
Manoeuvres should be taught in both directions; *

The correct position for initial take-off is;

Control deflections should be set to; *
The role of the aircraft is controlled by what? *
The pitch of the aircraft is controlled by what? *
The yaw of the aircraft is controlled by what? *
It is better to teach the student to use 1 stick at a time initially *
Figure eights test co-ordination of; *
Take off should be attempted... (Give your opinions as to time of day) *
Landing approaches can be taught as soon as the student thinks he/she is ready; *
Taxiing to and from the strip by the student is unnecessary; *
Tell the student they are going to land so he/she can prepare themselves; *
Don't tell the student they are going to do their bronze wings; *
Should you conduct your students flight test? *
Should you have your students flight test countersigned? *
The first action for a go-around is to; *
Which is the most important thing to be taught to the student? *
Which of the following options best describes a "Procedure Turn" given the following circumstance;
You are flying parallel to the pits (from left to right)...
Full control checks should be carried out... *

The nose wheel of a students model should be steerable;   (give your opinion of how much in degree’s) 


Under tuition, stalls, loops and figure eights should be done at;

The correct position for you to be in when removing the glow plug lead is; *
If a propeller comes off at high RPM is it likely to go in which direction? *
The throttle trim should have a range so that it; *
The dihedral in a wing is to; *
Name the 8 parts of a circuit diagram *
0 points
Captionless Image
Upwind Leg
Downwind Leg
Base Turn
Downwind Turn
Base Leg
Finals Turn
Crosswind Leg
Crosswind Turn
Describe the meaning of the term... Flare *
Describe the meaning of the term... Flutter *
Describe the meaning of the term... Angle of attack *
Describe the meaning of the term... Fuselage *
Describe the meaning of the term... Dead Stick *
What is the maximum flight altitude that is permitted for a model flying in controlled airspace before a clearance is required from CASA? *
What is the maximum weight that is permitted before a model needs to have an inspection by a heavy model inspector? *
What is the minimum distance from an aerodrome that a model aircraft may be flown  without a special permit? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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